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Saturday, 28 May 2011

Abuse: Support & Resources

He/ she hurt you in a way they shouldn’t have. Maybe he/ she touched you inappropriately in places they shouldn’t have. And now you feel broken inside. The only way to heal this pain is to find your voice.

It may be buried deep, but that only means you have to dig deep and find it.
Go to a trusted adult - your parents, a teacher, a school counsellor, a friend, a trusted older relative and tell.

Keep telling until someone listens, but most importantly go to the authorities and press charges.
No matter how you are feeling and I know you are in pain baby - but this is bigger than you. You have to stop them doing it again. You have to stop them doing to many many others what they did to you. And they will do it again - to you and many others. You have the power to stop them. Use it!
This person may be related to you - but remember: Bonds break when bones, trust, boundaries and/ spirits do! You don’t owe this person anything! you owe it to yourself and any future victims to tell! They are the ones who broke the sanctity of family when they hurt you! Remember that!
They may have threatened you or your family. Such threats are always false - because most people like this are cowards they dont want people to know who they really are so re not going to do anything to risk this - plus your family are more stronger and protected than you know. The authorities (police) are used to people like this and CAN help you. They CAN protect you and your family. All you need to do is SPEAK OUT!

You will also need therapy. I personally believe Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is best.
See linked post: http://thenakedphoenix.blogspot.com/2011/04/because-youre-worth-it.html
Its not going to be easy. It will involve a lot of pain, hard work, determination and commitment on your part. But if you do not tell the authorities and get therapy - the pain inside that will tear you apart will be far greater. It will be far greater than anything you have ever known and it will taint and stain everything around you - stopping you from living a full and happy life. And you deserve a full and happy life. There is nothing damaged, dirty or shameful about you. This shame is not yours - its theres. So go out there and claim your life back by:

1) Telling a trusted adult and building a support system
2) Telling the authorities (police)
3) Getting therapy

To help you through this I have provided a link too Childline service. This link is for children and young adults. You can email a qualified counsellor/ therapist in confidence (the email is protected and so is your identity - and they wont tell anyone): http://www.childline.org.uk/Talk/Page...

You may also find the following helpful (regardless of age):
RAINN: Free Online Therapy for Victims of sexual assault (whether their attack took place today or decades ago)

it is also for partners (boyfriends/girlfriends)/Spouses, family members, and partners of victims and Friends of victims

Survivors UK
Survivors UK provide information, support and counselling for men who have been raped or sexually abused.http://www.survivorsuk.org/

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection

CEOP is the UK’s national police agency set up to tackle child exploitation on and offline. If you are worried about someone’s behaviour towards a child online, you can report this at CEOP’s Thinkuknow programme provides more detailed information for parents, teachers and young people about staying safe on the internet - visit http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk

National Society for Provention of Cruelty to Children
The NSPCC is a charity specialising in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to children. They operate a free 24-hour helpline that provides information, advice and counselling to adults concerned about a child’s safety.
National Association for People Abused in Childhood

NAPAC is the National Association for People Abused in Childhood, and provide support and information for people abused in childhood.
The Survivors Trust

The Survivors Trust is an umbrella agency providing a range of counselling, therapeutic and support services working with women, men and children who are victims / survivors of rape, sexual violence and childhood abuse.

The SurvivorScotland website has been developed by the Scottish Government to improve the lives of survivors of childhood sexual abuse. It provides a wide range of material about abuse.
Stop it Now! UK & Ireland

Stop it Now! UK & Ireland aims to stop child sexual abuse by encouraging abusers and potential abusers to seek help, and by giving adults the information they need to protext children effectively.
The NEXUS Institute

http://www.nexusinstitute.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategor y&id=34&Itemid=69
Responds to the needs of adults who have experienced sexual abuse. They provide an effective, professional counselling service for those in need. nexusinstitute.org
The Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre

Help and support to male and female survivors (and partners, friends, family) of rape or sexual abuse (over 14 years of age) however long ago it happened.
Rape Crisis Scotland

National rape crisis helpline for anyone affected by sexual violence, no matter when or how it happened. The helpline offers free and confidential crisis support and information.
Victim Support

Independent national charity for people affected by crime. Highly-trained staff and volunteers give free and confidential information, emotional support and practice-al help to victims, witnesses, their family, friends and other people affected.
The National Domestic Violence Helpline

Run in partnership between Women’s Aid and Refuge. Freephone helpline offering support and information to women experiencing (or who have experienced) domestic abuse and to those seeking help on a woman’s behalf.
Barnardo’s - Specialist sexual exploitation projects

Barnardo‘s runs specialist sexual exploitation projects that offer a safe, confidential environment where young people can go for help, advice and support.
I begging you to find and listen to your voice and to make sure everyone else listens too!

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