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Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Learning to carrying your own load and letting go of baggage: This ones only for you...

"I never ever cried when I was feeling down
I've always been scared of the sound
Jesus don't love me, no one ever carried my load
I'm too young to feel this old"
Kings of Leon.

Sometimes there will be no one around to carry your load. And thats ok, because if you learn to lighten your load, you will find that...it really aint that heavy at all...

Open your eyes...take in the beauty all around you. Even in the smallests and simplest things...

Open your ears...hear I mean really hear someone elses story - distract yourself from your own and gain perspective...

Open your mind...to the possibility of a better and happier future and new ways of getting there. Remember if you keep doing the things you have always done, you will always be where you've always been...

Open your heart...allow yourself to love and receive love...you do deserve LOVE don't you??? And here I am also talking about the love of good friends and family...

Challenge negative thoughts...we have a tendancy to inflate our problems, lose all sense of rationality and perspective, and blow things up way bigger than they are. So we are carrying around negative thoughts equivalent to 500kg or more. Most would buckle under that weight Look at your thoughts objectively

Learn to let go:

Look for honest and true evidence of these thoughts not imagined ones. Remember we cannot read other peoples minds. Now challenge these negative thoughts, write positive alternatives as though you were advising a friend...

You will find that when you let go of the dead weight and challenge the negative thoughts you are probably only carrying around 2kg worth of problems/ issues. Now even I could carry that, and as your strength builds from learning to love yourself you will find that that weight feels as light as a feather...

Heres a website with several resources to help you.

Use the thought challenge sheets to challenge each and every negative thought as and when you have them...soon you will be able to do this in your own head and say goodbye to that little hater inside:


I am a great believer, user and advocate of CBT Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Why? Because it works dumb@$ lol!

How we think -affects how we feel - how we feel - affects how we behave - how we behave constitutes how we interact with the world around us - how we interact with the world around us - provides us feedback (either negative or positive) from those around us and how they in turn react to our actions - their reactions affect how we think...and so the cycle continues...

Stop caring so much about what others think, concentrate on making what YOU think and FEEL about yourself positive...

If you feel $h!tty...change your $h!tty thoughts about yourself and your situation. Be proactive- go get what you want - its yours for the taking if only you'd believe...

I wish you luck baby!!!

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